
Rainforest Snails are molluscs – a type of invertebrate. They do not have a backbone, and have a soft body that is called a foot. They also have a hard shell they carry around on their back, which they can retreat into if they are threatened or if their environment is too hot or dry. Rainforest Snails are native to northern Queensland.

Snails eat a variety of foods, and so can be called omnivores. Some snails feed on plant material, some can feed on dead animals and some will hunt down other snails to eat! Giant Rainforest Snails are herbivores and feed on plant material, however, they will occasionally scavenge on dead animals.


Rainforest Snails are molluscs – a type of invertebrate. They do not have a backbone, and have a soft body that is called a foot. They also have a hard shell they carry around on their back, which they can retreat into if they are threatened or if their environment is too hot or dry. Rainforest Snails are native to northern Queensland.

Snails eat a variety of foods, and so can be called omnivores. Some snails feed on plant material, some can feed on dead animals and some will hunt down other snails to eat! Giant Rainforest Snails are herbivores and feed on plant material, however, they will occasionally scavenge on dead animals.

An amazing fact about many snails (including Rainforest Snails) is that they are hermaphrodites. This means that all individuals are both male and female at the same time. Snails still need to find a mate though, and once mating has occurred, both snails will be able to produce eggs.

Snail eggs are a creamy white colour and are laid in clusters in a shallow burrow or under logs where it is moist. Baby snails hatch out looking like miniature adults, but their shells are very fragile. All snails need damp conditions to live in, or their soft bodies can dry out.




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